About Us » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Principals Message

I am blessed to be the first Principal of the London District Catholic School Board’s newest elementary school St. Gabriel!  This is an exciting time for the LDCSB, but more specifically the St. Catherine of Siena and St. Gabriel school communities as this much needed facility is being built.  St. Catherine of Siena has been dealing with over enrollment for several years and our new building will aid in addressing this which will benefit students, families, and staff of both schools.

While we will be opening our school in September, the new building will not be ready for occupancy until January 2025. We will be setting up our school on the St. Catherine of Siena site and will be physically moving mid year.  The plan is that students and their educators will stay together and move into their new classroom once the new school is ready.  We will follow all the routines currently in place at St. Catherine of Siena until the new year.  However, come September 2024 we will begin the process of shaping our school community from setting up a new school council, establishing codes of conduct, uniform policy…etc.  

The new school plan is nothing short of amazing and I can’t wait to work with everyone to make a fantastic space into a terrific community!  While I am sure there will be some challenges  as we navigate this transition together, I am so appreciative of everyone’s understanding, flexibility and support as we move mid year into a phenomenal space. I am very thankful and grateful to be working alongside the administration and staff at St. Catherine of Siena as this all unfolds.  The whole community has been welcoming and understanding as we split one school community into two.

We very much look forward to opening our new school in September and our facility in January!

Yours in Catholic Education,
Mr. Geoff Moore